Wildflower Express Drip

the mysticism of bike rides & good tunes



hi there, & welcome to my lil corner of the internet!

i go by mark, marcus, or funky, depending on where you know me from. i'm 24 and i live in wisconsin.

pronouns are he/him, but im not so attached to masculinity, so i'll typically append that with any/all.

i have a variety of interests, including listening to and making music, long-distance cycling, and learning about vedanta philosophy/mysticism. i'm also neurodivergent & very left-leaning, but you probably figured that out already. ;)

"Wildflower Express Drip" is a conglomerate of words i stitched together on a bike ride one day in the summer of 2023, with the intention to eventually use it as a catch-all brand for any one-off experiments i want to do with music, writing, visual art, photography, et cetera. it is now the summer of 2024 and i'm finally putting this vision into motion.

all material generated for this project is DRM-free and creative commons. this website is supplemented with an RSS feed, because i use a feed reader religiously, and i want to extend that same opportunity to anyone who comes to my website!

most material for this project will never reach social media, but original music i post here will likely get cross-posted to bandcamp at my leisure.

the current logo is something i designed for an album cover a couple years ago. just a sentient waffle chillin in space. i will design a proper logo for this site in the future.

have a comment or question? feel free to reach out!

© 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0